

Accountability, Competence and Autonomy EP11


Choose 3 of the following:

    1. Provide one example, with supporting evidence, of the use of periodic formal performance review for the CNO that includes a self-appraisal and peer feedback process, demonstrating a plan for professional development.
    2. Provide one example, with supporting evidence, of the use of periodic formal performance review for a AVP/nurse director that includes a self-appraisal and peer feedback process demonstrating a plan for professional development.
    3. Provide one example, with supporting evidence, of the use of periodic formal performance review for a nurse manager that includes a self-appraisal and peer feedback process demonstrating a plan for professional development.
    4. Provide one example, with supporting evidence, of the use of periodic formal performance review for an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) that includes a self-appraisal and peer feedback process demonstrating a plan for professional development.
    5. Provide one example, with supporting evidence, of the use of periodic formal performance review for a clinical nurse that includes a self-appraisal and peer feedback process demonstrating a plan for professional development.







Greenwich Hospital respects, values, and protects the confidentiality and privacy of our staff. For those reasons, this page is unavailable. If you have questions, please contact the Chief Nursing Officer, Senior Vice President of Patient Care Services, Anna Cerra DNP, MSN, MSHA, RN




Anna Cerra DNP, MSN, MSHA, RN
Chief Nursing Officer
Senior Vice President of Patient Care Services